Tuesday, February 28, 2012

New Jersey v. T.L.O.

1. T.L.O.s purse should not have been searched because since she was accused of smoking and not of possessing them, it wasn't a real enough crime to have to do a search like that.
2. The 4th Amendment shouldn't apply unless there is the possibility of crime because if not, it would violate personal rights. Therefore, the 4th Amendment should't apply.
3. I don't think so because it is a violation of personal rights, and unless they get a search warrant, they should not be able to search her purse.
4. Usually at my old school, they would take a metal detector and have us empty our pockets and the girls purses. It could probably happen.
5. They should rule it in violation of her rights.

Sunday, February 19, 2012

Labor Unions

During the 1900 period, labor unions were a main piece that influenced wages and working conditions. At that time, labor unions were difficult because they required the people to produce goods for everyone and free riders that wish to not even contribute at all. Craftsmen did the work of early industry at the time, and the unions they formed back then helped give a bargaining alliance with other craftsmen. In the 1900s the rise of industry was a major part of labor unions because it began to bring along inventions like the steam engine and other effective tools to make work more efficient.


Sunday, February 12, 2012


The KKK or the Ku Klux Klan has dominated America from the 1860s to even the present day. The first branch of the KKK originated in Tennessee. Back then, their main goal was to stop the black people from voting, but it eventually turned into brawls between them. The Klan was formed again in 1915 by a man named William Simmons and at that time, their only opponent was NAACP or the National Association for the Advancement of Colored People. After the First World War the KKK became very hostile to Jews, Roman Catholics, Socialists, Communists, or anyone who was seen as foreign. The Klan today has not shown much change rather than its major decrease in the groups number. Hopefully one day, the Klan will be no more.  

Saturday, February 11, 2012

Reconstruction Cartoon

This cartoon symbolized how Southerners were in need of Northern Investment, and a bit of experience in the business world. So Northerners began immigrating to the south and seemed to be known as "carpet baggers." After a little bit of research, I found that a "carpet bagger" was basically a person who wanted to profit from the reconstruction in the South. The guy in this cartoon seems really eager to take money from the South with his big bag over his shoulder. Obviously, "carpet baggers" are really not the greatest of people.

Sunday, February 5, 2012

Josh Lew's 1860 Election Candidate

John C Breckinridge was born in Lexington at Cabells Dale which was the Breckinridge family estate and was part of the Democratic Party and was elected vice president in 1856 on the Democratic ticket with James Buchanan as the president. When 1860 came along, and the time had come for another election, Breckinridge ran with the hopes of winning and expanding slavery. Breckinridge was also said to be one of the only vice presidents to ever take up arms against the U.S. government. After losing the election of 1860, he returned to Washington hoping to persuade the senate to abandon secession, but in the end, South Carolina, Alabama, Florida, and Mississippi left the Union.