Saturday, February 11, 2012

Reconstruction Cartoon

This cartoon symbolized how Southerners were in need of Northern Investment, and a bit of experience in the business world. So Northerners began immigrating to the south and seemed to be known as "carpet baggers." After a little bit of research, I found that a "carpet bagger" was basically a person who wanted to profit from the reconstruction in the South. The guy in this cartoon seems really eager to take money from the South with his big bag over his shoulder. Obviously, "carpet baggers" are really not the greatest of people.


  1. This cartoon depicts a man who is a "carpet bagger" and is moving to the South to take advantage of the reconstruction and make money.

  2. This cartoon illustrates a 'carpet bagger'. After the civil war the South was in much need of a financial pick-up. They needed help from the North where the industry was much better. Many northerners moved to the South to take advantage of the South's financial problems.

  3. A "carpet bagger" is depicted in the cartoon. A bagger is a Northerner who went to the South during reconstruction to take advantage of the situation, and take the money of Southerners.

  4. The cartoon cleary shows the wealth of the north comapred to the Wealth of the south.The north was still thriving industrialy; however,the south had lost all of the labor and needed funds for reconstrction.

  5. this cartoon cleary states that the south had less money than the north obviously bcecause the carpet baggers had came to the south with the curreny they had and then tried to make moreeeeeee money down in the south during reconstruction.
